
NFT Collection

Intangible pieces born in a time when touch became a scarce good.


The peculiarities of individual creative processes and "Creation" itself – in its physical and its metaphysical sense – are recurrent themes in my work, as well as the intrinsic and conflicting attributes attached to creativity: destruction, appropriation, finiteness and infiniteness. As an artist I am interested in all we can find in this duality and in the cyclic aspects of creation, and that’s why animation loops attract me so much as a format.

The fact that complex or abstract concepts do NOT depend on a certain high-art aesthetic (or media) to be effectively translated to visuals has been the basis my recent years’ work: pieces that are flat at a glance but allow layered interpretations on a second look. This flexible approach to style and the possibility of applying "pop" illustration techniques into creating conceptual pieces define my work. A work that I've been wasting on social media platforms owned by shady corporations for a while now.

My intention in creating NFTs is to generate those cyclic storytelling pieces in a format with potential to outlive my individual digital presence and to fuel creative discussion in a digital community, a "bigger collective self", being part of a loop of inspiration.

We are only tiny tiny tiny pixels, in this infinite and extremely high-definition loop that's our universe.


Synchronicity I

Reserve Price: 0.42 ETH

We channel a collective creative energy that we all make at the same time as we are being made of. We are input and output sources of Inspiration on both micro and macro scales. We are medium and author, tool and unfinished product. By transferring an art piece, a fraction of the creative act itself becomes part of the collection – even when neither physically exist. Creating and owning intangible art is the closest we will ever get to mirroring a bigger process: one we can never fully portray.

1/1 frame-by-fame animation.

Primordial Soup

Reserve Price: 0.50 ETH

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And so is art. An object first repurposed by Michel Duchamp, today recharged with digital fuel and reborn as a character for the digital era. An atemporal Idol, an allegory of the most crude form of creativity and artistic genesis: A READY-RE-MADE.

1/1 frame-by-fame animation.



Big Bang / Big Crunch

We tridimensional beings are part of larger structures, some of which we won't ever understand. But even this awareness can't stop us trying. Destruction and creation, art and commerce, CMYK and RGB, they all feed on each other. If humans can manipulate intangible paint, produce invisible goods, build universes from impossible shapes, we may also be able to calibrate flawed systems if we work on them. May we create without ignoring our destruction and use art to ignite transformative discussion.


More NFTs available on Foundation: